The Hotel Florist™ Experience

You're really to go all in and get it all!

Here's what you can expect when you join:


  • All Programs
  • All Masterclasses
  • All Contract Templates
  • All Team Building (Employee & Contractor) Requirements
  • All Scripts, Strategies & Tools
  • All Formulas for Success

What People Are Saying:

The HFPM Experience was worth the investment and more, surpassing expectations by a hundredfold. You provided a wealth of knowledge and offered supportive and thoughtful guidance, which clarified my agenda for reaching my goals. Such a supportive system, alongside like-minded individuals, cannot be found anywhere else and kept me motivated in this journey, which can often feel lonesome. Franceska, I cannot thank you enough. I’ll be back again soon :)

Sumika A.

THFE has been a real awakening in how I am approaching my business in regards to strategy as well as process. I don't want to jinx it but I am in the middle of negotiating what will be my first significant hotel contract. If it comes to fruition I will let you know, as you were 1000% the inspiration behind it and the source of proper industry lingo/knowledge and confidence building for me. I studied every module as fastidiously as I could! Fingers crossed!! Sincere thanks!

F. Earls

One Payment of $2,997

Terms and Conditions of The Hotel Florist™ Experience

1. Agreement Overview This document forms an agreement between you ("Participant") and The Hotel Florist™ LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company ("Company"), regarding your participation in the program, "The Hotel Florist™ Experience".

2. Program Description "The Hotel Florist™ Experience" offers participants access to the entire suite of products and services, including all current programs, masterclasses, and tools.

3. Program Inclusion Participants will receive:

  • Access to all current programs and masterclasses.
  • Comprehensive contract templates and team-building resources.
  • Exclusive scripts, strategies, and business management tools.
  • Proven formulas for success.

4. Fees and Payment The total fee for the access to "The Hotel Florist™ Experience" is $2,997.

5. No Refund and No Chargeback Policy All payments made for "The Hotel Florist™ Experience" are final and non-refundable. Participants agree not to initiate any chargebacks through their bank or credit card company. The Hotel Florist™ LLC trusts that participants have conducted sufficient research before enrolling. For questions prior to enrollment, please contact [email protected].

6. Non-Disparagement Participants agree not to make any public statements, online or offline, that are disparagingly critical, derogatory, or defamatory regarding The Hotel Florist™ LLC, its employees, its products, or its services. This includes, but is not limited to, comments on social media platforms, blogs, and other digital or print media. Breach of this clause may result in immediate termination of the participant’s access to the program without refund, and may lead to further legal action.

7. Intellectual Property All content provided during "The Hotel Florist™ Experience" is the proprietary intellectual property of The Hotel Florist™ LLC, protected under U.S. copyright laws. Participants may not reproduce, distribute, or display these materials without explicit written consent from The Hotel Florist™ LLC.

8. Governing Law These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. All disputes arising under this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Texas.

9. Severability Should any provision of these terms be determined unlawful, void, or unenforceable, it will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

10. Acknowledgment By enrolling in "The Hotel Florist™ Experience", participants affirm they have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Work with Franceska for 1 month on your floral business! Add this personalized private business coaching!